spring 2016
volume 27, issue 1
next conference
March 30 - April 3, 2017
Winds of Change: Global Connections
Across Space, Time, and Nature
location: Drake Hotel, downtown Chicago
host: University of Illinois-Chicago
here for Call for Proposals
Deadline for submitting proposals:
July 8, 2016
Our 2017 conference could include the following special
- workshop
and field trip to Newberry Library
- tour of
Field Museum
- boat tour
of Chicago River
- field trip
to Pullman National Monument
- field trip
to Indiana Dunes
- large book
exhibit with opportunities to interact with publishers
- career
seminars and networking opportunities for students
April issue of
Environmental History includes articles
on Hetch Hetchy Dam, floods in Australia, the evolution of the Texas
Longhorn, and more. Click here for
more info.
Environmental History is pleased to
announce that Lawrence Culver, associate professor at Utah State
University, will be the journal's next Book Review Editor. Culver, a
historian of the US-Mexico borderlands and the American West,
specializes in cultural, urban, and environmental topics. His book The
Frontier of Leisure: Southern California and the Shaping of Modern
America (Oxford, 2010) won the Spur Award for Best
Western Nonfiction Contemporary Book from the Western Writers of
America. His dissertation from University of California, Los Angeles,
won the 2005 ASEH Rachel Carson Prize for Best Dissertation in
Environmental History. His current project examines historical
perceptions of climate and climate change. The editorial team is
pleased to welcome him aboard!
Culver takes over the helm from Dr. Jack Hayes (Kwantlen
Polytechnic University and University of British Columbia), who served
the journal as Book Review Editor for six years. Jack brought
equanimity, persistence, humor, and good grace to the position and he
will be greatly missed. We wish him well as he takes on greater
responsibilities with Pacific Affairs as the Associate Editor (China)
and in his research on wildfire and fire management in China from the
17th century.
here to view the new virtual issue on climate history.

Above: ASEH celebrated the 40th anniversary of our
journal at the conference in Seattle. Susan Flader and Estella
Leopold shared their memories of how the journal started. Click here to view a video of
Susan Flader reminiscing at the conference.
Hal Rothman Fun(d) Run in Seattle
The 7th annual Hal Rothman Fun(d) Run was held, as
always, on Saturday morning at the annual conference. The weather and
company both proved ideal for the 5K outing. While only 18 cheerful
folks ran or walked along Seattle's scenic waterfront, a total of 40
people (the appeal to non-runners to "Pay Not to Run" proved
irresistible once again!) paid the suggested $20 contribution and the
event raised nearly $800. All contributions go to the Hal Rothman
Dissertation Fellowship. Many thanks to all who gave and participated.
There are several people who have participated in all seven runs! Plans
are underway for the 8th annual run in Chicago. With the hotel located
right beside Lake Michigan, we'll be running the famous path featured
in so many movies. So come join us and be ready for your close-up!

Above: Hal Rothman Fun(d) Runners in Seattle.
ASEH is grateful to Jamie Lewis for organizing this
annual event.
Couldn't make
the run this year? You can still donate to the Hal Rothman Dissertation
Fellowship by clicking
here and selecting the initiative to fund grad students.
photos from Seattle conference

Above: Seattle journalist Glenn Nelson takes a selfie
at the National Park Service lunch.


Above: CNN historian Douglas Brinkley delivers a
lively talk on FDR at the Forest History Society luncheon. Click here to view a video of
his talk.



Above: ASEH birders spot something rare - sunshine! -
in Seattle.



Above: ASEH birders pose for group shot at Discovery



Above: Fred Brown leading the Animals in Seattle
walking tour.



Above: Tour leaders Bill Willingham, Matt Klingle, and
Jay Taylor (pictured left to right) leading the boat tour of Lake



Above: Lake Union boat tour poses for group shot in
front of Gas Works Park.



Above: Carolyn Merchant (left) and Sarah Elkind at
closing reception.



Above: Japanese American Exclusion Memorial tour
leader Clarence Moriwaki addresses the group.


Above: Participants in Japanese American Exclusion
Memorial pose for a group shot.

Above: The Elwha River Dam Removal Tour Group pauses
for lunch at Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park.

Above: Exploring the lower dam site, Elwha River.

Above: Elwha tour leader Christopher Johnson on ferry
ride to Olympic Peninsula.

Ebey's Landing group shot.

Above: Denis Hayes, one of the founders of Earth Day,
addresses the group at the tour of the Bullitt Center building.
The Seattle conference was ASEH's largest to date, with
712 attendees. We thank everyone who registered and we are
especially grateful to the local arrangements committee, program
committee, and all the student volunteers who made this conference
Conference photos in this newsletter courtesy Kathy
Brosnan, Leisl Carr Childers, Joanna Dean, Gerard Fitzgerald, Jennifer
Hoyt, Dolly Jørgensen, Jamie Lewis, Lisa Mighetto, Sarah
Mittflefehldt, Glenn Nelson, Ellen Griffith Spears, Melissa Wiedenfeld,
and Carl Zimring.
March 29 - April 2, 2017
March 14 - 18, 2018
2017 - our 40th-anniversary
This year marks the 40th anniversary of ASEH's journal
and next year we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the
organization. Our "Four for Fourty" contribution campaign to
support ASEH's programs kicked off a few years ago. Thank you for your
participation in ASEH - click here to
aseh news
Published quarterly by the American Society for
Environmental History. If you have an article, announcement, or an item
for the "member news" section of our next newsletter, send to
by June 17,

Photo courtesy Laura Watt.
column: new developments at aseh
The recent ASEH conference in Seattle was a resounding
success. The society enjoyed its highest attendance with 712
registrants. The local arrangements committee led by Lisa Mighetto,
along with our student volunteers, had the conference running like
a well-oiled machine. LAC planned terrific events to introduce
participants to Seattle and its environs. We all know that Lisa has
special talents but who knew that those included the ability to
produce four days of sunshine in the Pacific Northwest.
The program committee led by Brett Walker put together a
comprehensive and provocative program, including two well-attended
and thoughtful plenary sessions on undergraduate teaching and
global drought crises. People raved about the quality, depth, and
variety of the research presented across the program. Sessions were
well attended and the audiences were deeply engaged. Thanks to the
many participants who stayed on schedule and allowed audience members
to join in meaningful discussions.
The Environmental History Slam was tremendous fun. With only brief
tidbits shared, the slam was less about deep, probing arguments and
more about the beauty of the written word, particularly with
lyrical excerpts shared by Marsha Weisiger, Lynne Heasley, and
others. However, Aaron Sachs and his son Ozzie stole the show (and
tickled the funny bone) with their dramatic reading of the titles of contemporary books
on global warming.
I found the diversity committee's session, which asked hard
questions about the racial privileging of certain places in nature,
quite compelling. Among other great contributors, Rick Mizelle
persuasively argued that our field of environmental history, as
well as academia more generally, must push past the treatment of
whiteness as the normative standard by which we evaluate access to
cultural spaces, including national parks, and contemplate more
thoroughly the ways in which different humans encounter their
environments. I am excited to see what the diversity committee puts
together for our 2017 meeting in Chicago. ASEH has made great
progress, but there still is much to be done on issues of
During the conference, the ASEH executive committee extended Lisa
Brady's editorship of Environmental
History to June 2019, a reflection of its confidence in
Lisa's skills and leadership. Be sure to check out the most recent
virtual edition on climate change as well as the routinely
excellent offerings of the journal.
The executive committee has approved two new awards. ASEH will
offer the Equity Graduate Student Fellowship to recognize a
graduate student from an underrepresented group for his or her
achievements in environmental history research. The $1000
fellowship supports dissertation research and travel. It will be
given annually on the same schedule as the Rothman fellowship.
ASEH added Local Undergraduate Equity Student Grants for students
from underrepresented groups who attend a college or university in
the host city or metropolitan region and have engaged in
environmental history research. The grant includes the conference
registration fee, a one-year ASEH student membership, and a single
payment of $500. Up to two grants will be awarded. The recipients
will prepare posters on their research for the ASEH conference.
ASEH also is expanding opportunities for its graduate student
members with two new summer internships, one with a private company
and one with the National Parks Conservation Association. The application deadline is
May 31, 2016. For more information, please visit http://aseh.net/resources/for-students/summer-internship-available.
Finally, we had a bit of fun at the award ceremony as the
inimitable Sarah Elkind passed her top hat for donations to ASEH.
Some 40 people dropped in nearly $500. THANK YOU. Don't worry. We
won't repeat this exercise every year. And our goal was not to put
anyone on the spot. However, there was a point to the humorous
theatrics. As ASEH works to develop donations from foundations and
private companies, it is important that we establish a culture of
giving within our membership. ASEH is now in the third year of its
4 for 40 campaign which will culminate next year with ASEH's 40th
anniversary. Please know that donations in any amount are welcome
and needed to demonstrate this culture of giving. And we hope to
make it easier for you to give with adjustments to the online
system that will allow you to make a contribution at the same time
you renew your membership.
All in all, things are going great for ASEH. Many
thanks to the members who make ASEH a vibrant, essential, and
engaged community of scholars.
-Kathleen Brosnan, ASEH President
the profession:
teaching and environmental history - seattle conference summary
by Mart Stewart, Western Washington University
No matter the emphasis on research at annual
professional conferences, and the often welcome respite from
classrooms that these conferences give us, for most environmental
historians our primary mission remains one of teaching in those
classrooms. Tiya Miles, Katherine Morrissey, Bill Cronon, and Brett
Walker contextualized this mission within the practice of
environmental history at a plenary session at the recent ASEH
annual meeting in Seattle. At a time when enrollments in history
courses are declining, how and what we teach has acquired a more
pressing relevance. Brett Walker and Bill Cronon talked about the
vitality of environmental history in the context of declining
enrollments in history courses - our interdisciplinary field is
able to attract students outside the field of history, and most
importantly from the STEM disciplines, and environmental history
courses might be one way that enrollments in history programs can
be restored.
Environmental history courses can also take students
to the field, and give them the kind of multi-dimensional education
experience that classroom and online courses cannot. Katherine
Morrissey's meditation on all the ways that environmental history
can (and does) go into the field to teach students was perhaps the
most resonant of this panel. But more importantly, environmental
history courses can teach the core values of a liberal arts
education, can embrace diversity, can provide students with
opportunities to become who they want to be, and, as Tiya Miles
eloquently explained, can allow students to feel "connected,
supported, and nourished" by what they are learning about both
individual and collective experiences with the natural environment.
Two other sessions at the meeting, one on teaching
global environmental history and another on using experiential
learning to teach environmental history, gave presenters
representing the full range of institutions and public outreach
programs in which most of us teach a venue to talk about other
perspectives on teaching our field. Collectively, all of them
reminded us of what most of us do most of the time, how to be more
thoughtful about how to do it, and of the vitality and
expansiveness of environmental history as a holistic counterpoint
to online education as well as a medium for teaching fledgling
scientists and engineers as well as humanists.
The following individuals received awards on April 2
at our conference in Seattle:
George Perkins Marsh Prize for Best Book:
Alice Hamilton Prize for Best Article outside Environmental History:
Michael Christopher Low, "Ottoman
Infrastructures of the Saudi Hydro-State: The Technopolitics of
Pilgrimage and Potable Water in the Hijaz," in Comparative
Studies in Society and History (2015).
Leopold-Hidy Prize for Best Article in Environmental History:
Alan Mikhail, "Ottoman Iceland: A Climate
History" (April issue 2015).
Rachel Carson Prize for Best Dissertation:
Gregory Rosenthal,
"Hawaiians who Left Hawai'i: Work, Body, and Environment in
the Pacific World, 1786-1876."
Distinguished Scholar Award:
Distiguished Service Award:
Public Outreach Project Award:
here for the comments from the award evaluation committees.

Tim Fenchel accepted the
Public Outreach Project Award for the Schuylkill River Sojourn.
Seen here with President Kathy Brosnan.

Martin Melosi received the
Distinguished Scholar Award.

Martin Melosi, this year's
Distinguished Scholar, seen here with wife Carolyn on the winery
tour, Seattle.

Melissa Wiedenfeld received
the Distinguished Service Award.

Santiago Gorostiza received
the award for best poster. Seen here with his poster "When
Africa Started in the Pyrenees."
First Call for ASEH Award Submissions 2016
ASEH presents awards for scholarship, service, and
achievement. The deadline for this year's award submissions is November 18, 2016.
For a list of awards and instructions on how to submit, click here.
Call for Proposals for ASEH's Next Annual Conference
in Chicago
ASEH invites proposals for its 2017 conference in
Chicago (downtown area). Click
here for more info. Deadline: July 8, 2016.
Internships for Grad Students
ASEH is offering two summer internships for grad
students - both in the Seattle area. Deadline for applications:
May 31, 2016. Click here for more info.
Cody Ferguson has accepted a position as
assistant professor of U.S. History and Public History at Fort
Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. He looks forward to developing
new environmental history courses focused on water and public lands
issues and working in affiliation with FLC's environmental studies
Jamie Lewis and Steve Anderson served as
executive producers of (and Jamie was a writer for) the new documentary
film "America's First Forest:
Carl Schenck and the Asheville Experiment," produced by
the Forest History Society. The 55-minute film tells the story of
the birth of the American forest conservation movement through the
work of German forester Carl Schenck at the Biltmore Estate at the
dawn of the 20th century. It will air on public
television stations around the country through April. Jamie
Lewis and Char Miller are among those interviewed in the film, and
they, Steve Anderson, Kathy Newfont, Matthew Booker, and Scott
Moranda served as historical consultants. The DVD
also includes a 25-minute version of the film, ideal for classroom
Mart Stewart was a Fulbright Senior Specialist
at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia in January,
assisting in the development of an interdisciplinary MSc.
curriculum in climate change studies.
environmental history network


Jacobs addresses the group at the women's networking event.

By Julie Cohn, University of Houston
At ASEH's Seattle conference on March 31 a lively and
enthusiastic group of nearly seventy individuals gathered for the
first ever Women's Networking Reception at ASEH! The organizers of
this event hoped to encourage greater visibility, interaction, and support
for the women who are active in environmental history. Nancy Jacobs
gave a warm welcome to everyone in attendance, thanked our
sponsors, and invited those present to really focus on making new
contacts and expanding networks within ASEH. While this gathering
was billed as a "women's" event, we enjoyed the company
of several men, and in general hoped to create an open atmosphere
for anyone seeking to connect to others working in the field.
During her remarks, Nancy noted briefly that the event
organizers are interested, among other matters, in understanding
and addressing barriers to women pursuing professions in
environmental history, while at the same time supporting and
expanding opportunities for success. To that end, we are gathering
data related to participation in the field and how that is
reflected in publications, reviews, conference presentations, and
related matters. Going forward, we plan to share our findings with
those involved in the networking group, and with the ASEH board.
In the course of the evening, several individuals
proposed an informal goal of holding similar networking receptions
at environmental history meetings around the world. By acclimation,
those in attendance created a new entity, tentatively titled
"Women's Environmental History Network (WEHN)" and raised
$100 to join the International Consortium of Environmental History
Organizations. We also raised an additional $120 in support of
future gatherings at ASEH.
The reception was great fun! It lasted well past the
scheduled ending time, and guests continued visiting while the
hotel staff converted the room for the next event.
In the relatively near future, we will create a
permanent email list and provide periodic communications to
interested participants. If you would like to be included on this
list, please send your name and email address to Julie Cohn at jacohn@uh.edu. (Please consider re-sending your
information even if you added your email address to the sign-in sheets
at the reception).
The Graduate Student Caucus events in ASEH in Seattle
brought new and old faces together for a range of academic and
social events. We gathered for cake pops and a book raffle at the
Graduate Student Reception, sponsored by CHASES. 2015 Grad Student
Liaison Dan Soucier led a panel on "Advice and Tips for the EH
Job Market" that drew a range of graduate student and
professors as attendees. Panel participant Dagomar Degroot,
Assistant Professor of History at Georgetown University, posted a
summary of his talk on his website that explores the job market for
environmental historians. Ian Jesse led another year of the popular
writing workshop, with graduate students and their faculty readers
gathering for conversation about pre-circulated papers. Zach Nowak
organized a well-attended grad happy hour that led nicely into our
equally well-attended caucus meeting where we discussed goals and
plan for the year.
This spring, the caucus will assemble the groups
interested in planning graduate student events for ASEH 2017 in
Chicago as well as year-round community-building. We will host
another round of the graduate student writing workshop. Planners
will recruit faculty, advertise, and select graduate student
participants. Grads were also enthusiastic about planning a teaching
panel that would be of use to graduate students. Jessica
DeWitt will lead the development of a digital presence for ASEH
grad students so that we can remain connected between conferences.
Contact her at jessicamariedewitt@gmail.com
to be added to the new ASEH Grad Student Caucus Facebook group or
to join her in organizing ASEH grad contributions to existing
environmental history blogs.
As the 2016 Graduate Student Liaison, I am the point
person for organizing the events for ASEH 2017. If you have
questions or comments, or are interested in participating in any of
the committees, please email me. The caucus particularly hopes to
hear from Chicago-area graduate students who can help us plan local
social gatherings. Thanks to the volunteers and organizers who
helped make the ASEH grad student events of 2016 so popular and
successful. I look forward to working with many of you in planning
the events for 2017.
aseh news is a publication of the
American Society for Environmental History
Kathleen Brosnan, University of Oklahoma, President
Graeme Wynn, University of British Columbia, Vice
President/President Elect
Mark Madison, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Treasurer
Jay Taylor, Simon Fraser University, Secretary
Sarah Elkind, San Diego State University
Emily Greenwald, Historical Research Associates, Inc.-Missoula
Christof Mauch, Rachel Carson Center-Munich
Kathryn Morse, Bowdoin College
Cindy Ott, St. Louis University
Ellen Stroud, Bryn Mawr College
Paul Sutter, University of Colorado
Rachel Gross, University of Wisconsin-Madison, grad
student liaison
Ex Officio, Past Presidents:
John McNeill, Georgetown University
Gregg Mitman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Harriet Ritvo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ex Officio, Editor, Environmental
Lisa Brady, Boise State University
Ex Officio, Executive Director and Editor, aseh news:
Lisa Mighetto, University of Washington-Tacoma