summer 2017
volume 28, issue 2
July 14 - submit proposals for 2018 conference
July 21 - provide comments on report by Women's EH Network
details are provided in this newsletter
update on Riverside
conference 2018
Proposals for panels and roundtables are due July 14,
2017. Click here
for information on submitting a proposal. We are standing by to assist
with proposals, if needed. Contact director@aseh.net
Dates of conference: March 14 - 18, 2018
Location: Riverside Convention Center
Host: University of California-Riverside and Claremont
here for general information on the conference.
This year, there are 3 conferences
hotels available: the historic Mission Inn ($159/night); the Hyatt
($155/night; rate includes breakfast); and the Marriott ($169/night and
limited number of student rooms at $149/night). ASEH's website (www.aseh.net)
will include reservation links later this summer.
Our 2018 conference will include the
following events:
- workshop
on water archives, Claremont Colleges
- workshop
on oral history, sponsored by the Forest History Society
- field
trips to Huntington Library, coastal region, Joshua Tree National
Park, San Jacinto fire region, and more
- plenary
talk on border and connections between arts/humanities and EH
- large
exhibit area
- poster
- 100
sessions, including panels, roundtables, individual papers,
posters - and a new format ("lightning talks")
- networking
events and opportunities for students

conference will include a field trip to the California Citrus
Historic State Park, along with a citrus tasting.

conference will feature a day trip to Joshua Tree National Park,
pictured above and below.

historic Mission Inn - one of the conference hotels.

conference will include a southern California coastal tour.


will visit the Huntington Library - research facility and gardens.
conference will include a fire history tour of San Jacinto (pictured
A limited number of travel grants
will be available for students and low-income scholars presenting at
our 2018 conference. Once the program committee selects the sessions
and creates the program, we will contact presenters will more info.,
including how to apply.
Columbus, Ohio
April 10-13, 2019
If you are interested in submitting a proposal to host a
future ASEH conference, contact director@aseh.net
for guidelines. ASEH will be selecting our 2020 conference
site this fall.
Click here for information on
the July issue of our journal Environmental
History, which includes
articles on Albert National Park in Belgian Congo,
barren ground caribou, land reclamation in the Veneto, malaria, and
have you signed up for aseh's member directory?
ASEH's Digital
Communications Committee has created an online directory of
members. Any member can register on this new site, which is publicly
available to anyone searching for contact info. on environmental
historians and their research. The site is open for registration and
We encourage all ASEH members to register. If you have
questions or comments, contact
here to register. Thank you for your participation!
Published quarterly by the American Society for
Environmental History. If you have an article, announcement, or an item
for the "member news" section of our next newsletter, send to
by September 15,

Riverside, California.
See you in Southern California March 2018!
Photos courtesy Riverside Convention & Visitors
Bureau, Huntington Library, and Lisa Mighetto
stay connected
column: teaching environmental history
professors, Canadian literary scholar Ted Chamberlin once observed,
are tellers of tales. Some of their stories are new and they call
these research. Others - "about evolution and
the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, about the Big Bang and
the Great War, about justice and freedom, supply and demand,
economy and efficiency" - are old, and they call these
I have long savored Chamberlin's bon mot, for its
humanity, for its demystification of some of the academy's more
pretentious claims, for the importance it attaches to narrative,
and for its particular fit with what we generally do as historians.
I was also reminded of its pertinence, and perhaps some of its
limitations, at our annual meeting in Chicago, which included a
considerable number of sessions related to teaching: of hope; of
environmental history in the introductory survey course; on
preparing students to practice interdisciplinary environmental
history; and on possibilities for teaching environmental history in
high schools.
Teaching can, indeed must, involve the telling of
compelling stories, but it is no longer (if it ever was) just that.
There is a new story making the rounds these days, relayed by
university leaders, educational theorists, business gurus, members
of the media and others. Less proven than assumed, even myopic and
ahistorical, it is that we live in a world of unprecedented change,
and that old ways are, therefore, no longer valuable. In education
we have heard this in a thousand registers, most of them variants
of the claim that the (story-telling) "sage on the stage"
must become a "guide by the side," as (passive) teaching
is replaced by (active) learning and the focus of the
"education process" shifts from teacher to student to
achieve "transformative learning" that will better fit
the rising generation for the challenges ahead (or, more blatantly,
the "job market"). There are just enough catchy phrases,
and there is just enough sense in these sorts of formulations to
carry people past the pejorative stereotypes, hidden assumptions,
and misleading assertions so that the rhetoric can do its
ideological work.
This is not to say that adaptation and innovation
should be rejected out of hand. Of course "the times they are
a changin," (and they were long before Bob Dylan marked the
fact in 1964). We all know that historians write for their
generation, that there is scant justification for teaching that
disregards context, and that we must strive for greater
inclusiveness and diversity in our curricula as well as our number.
But we need to remember that disciplines differ and that they have
their own particular attributes. Flipped classrooms, peer-learning,
three-minute- thesis presentations and the like have their merits
and their places, but they are not universal elixirs. History is
not Astrophysics. Character and circumstance, contingency and
context, evidence and detail are the essence of History; so too are
critical reading, the embrace of complexity and nuance, and careful
long-form arguments.
Our challenge as educators is to hold these attributes
against the tide. A recent upturn in History enrolments at Yale has
been attributed to the growing realization that an historical
perspective helps us to understand recent political and financial
trends and crises. Environmental history is equally vital to
addressing other global crises, and we should seize the
In this context, the efforts of our colleagues who
teach environmental history in high schools are both inspiring and
important. A session devoted to their work in Chicago revealed
their necessary responsiveness to changing educational
circumstances as well as their deep commitment to encouraging
environmental awareness among their students. Such thoughtful,
innovative, and dedicated teachers warrant our support. We would do
well to increase interactions between school teachers and
professional historians, and to develop links of one sort and
another between individuals, departments and schools. I urge that
we work to facilitate these. Teachers would value closer links with
"the professoriate" and we and the world stand to gain
from their efforts to build empathy, ethical consideration and
greater environmental understanding among our youth, as they
prepare to shape their own life-stories by rising to the
environmental challenges that face us all.
Graeme Wynn, ASEH President
profession: update on women's environmental history network


Verena Winiwarter and Nancy Jacobs (pictured far
right) address the WEHN reception in Zagreb on June 30th.

The Women's Environmental History Network organized a
reception at the recent conference of the European Society for Environmental History
in Zagreb, Croatia (ASEH sponsored the reception). Topics discussed
included the new listserv, activities at ASEH conferences, the
mentoring program, and more. If you are interested in joining or
participating, contact Julie Cohn at cohnconnor@gmail.com.
Last spring WEHN compiled a "Report on Gender and
the American Society for Environmental History," exploring
gender inequity in the field of environmental history, particularly
with respect to publishing. Noting ASEH's commitment to equity
issues and the number of women in ASEH leadership roles, WEHN
presented this report to ASEH's executive committee, which made the
report public and sent a message to members last spring. Click here to
view the report.
- Does
the WHEN report reflect your experience in the field of
environmental history generally and in ASEH specifically?
Please include examples.
- What
solutions would you recommend for issues identified in the
WEHN report?
- Are
there other gender, diversity, or equity issues that ASEH
should address? Please include specific examples and/or recommend
The deadline for comments from members has been
extended to July 21, 2017. Please send
comments to a committee member of your choice; identities will not
be disclosed to others.
We look forward to learning about our members'
experiences and thoughts on these issues. Thank you in advance for
participating; gender equity is not exclusively a women's issue.
Tony Andersson -
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship - Doctoral
Candidate, History, New York University
Environmentalists with Guns: Conservation, Revolution, and
Counterinsurgency in El Petén, Guatemala, 1944-1996
Kyuhyun Han -
Luce/ACLS Predissertation-Summer Travel Grant in China Studies
- Doctoral Student, History, University of California, Santa
Seeing the Forest Like a State: Forest Management, Wildlife
Conservation, and Center-Periphery Relations in Northeast China,
1949 - 1965
Faisal Husain -
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship - Doctoral
Candidate, History, Georgetown University
Flows of Power: The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, 1546-1831
Adrienne Kates -
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship - Doctoral
Candidate, History, Georgetown University
Maya Autonomy and International Capitalism in Mexico's Chewing
Gum Forests, 1886-1947
Tait Keller -
Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowship for Recently Tenured
Scholars - Associate Professor, History, Rhodes College
Green and Grim: A Global Environmental History of the First
World War
Alessandra Link -
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship - Doctoral
Candidate, History, University of Colorado Boulder
The Iron Horse in Indian Country: Native Americans and Railroads
in the U.S. West, 1853-1924
Congratulations to all!
Final Notice - Call for
Proposals for ASEH's 2018 Conference in
Riverside, California
Join us in Southern California next spring! Proposals for panels and
roundtables are due July 14, 2017. Click
here for more information on submitting proposals.
ASEH Award Submissions
ASEH presents awards for scholarship, service, and
achievement. These include prizes for best book, article,
dissertation, and public outreach project, and more. The deadline for this year's
award submissions is November 17, 2017. For a
list of awards and instructions on how to submit, click here.
ASEH Fellowship
Applications Due
The Samuel Hays Fellowship is open to practicing
historians (academic, public, or independent). Graduate students
are ineligible. A Ph.D. is not required. Deadline: November 17, 2017.
here for submission instructions.
Students enrolled in any Ph.D. program worldwide are eligible to
apply for the Hal Rothman Fellowship. Deadline: November 17, 2017.
here for submission instructions.
ASEH Seeks Your Help in
Publicizing Equity Fellowship
This fellowship recognizes a graduate student from an
underrepresented group for their achievements in environmental
history and provides $1,000 for Ph.D. research and travel. Students
must be members of ASEH at the time of their application. For more
information, please see http://aseh.net/awards-funding/equity-fellowship.
We ask all members to assist the Society by
circulating information about the equity fellowship and identifying
viable candidates for it. The deadline is November 17,
The Hanford History Project at Washington State
University Tri-Cities and Washington State University Press invite
submissions for a multidisciplinary collection of essays titled
"Legacies of the Manhattan Project: Reflections on 75 Years of
a Nuclear World." This peer-reviewed volume will be published
by WSU Press in Fall 2018. Deadline: September 15, 2017. If
interested, contact Michael.Mays@tricity.wsu.edu
Dear Graduate Caucus Members,
Burd and Jessica DeWitt have been elected President-Elect and
Communications Office, respectively. Camden will serve as
President-Elect from now until May 2018, then President from May
2018 to May 2019. Jessica will serve from now until May 2018. Congratulations
to both!
Writing Workshops-This
year Lorena Campuzano Duque and Kerri Clement are organizing the
yearly writing workshop ("Talk to an Expert: Writing Workshops
for Graduate Students") where a professor reads and provides
feedback to 2-3 students in a small group. Anastasia Day is also
organizing a second workshop, "Writing with the Experts: An
Interactive Writing Session," with Professor Steven Pyne. Look
for more details on both in the Fall.
Conference Panels-Emily
Webster has put together another caucus panel, this one on teaching
or writing across disciplines. The panel is composed of professors
who have cross-disciplinary appointments in history and
environmental studies and who teach non-history specific classes.
Best wishes for a productive and restful summer!
Zach Nowak, Caucus President
aseh news is a publication of the
American Society for Environmental History
Graeme Wynn, University of British Columbia, President
Edmund Russell,
Boston College, Vice President/President Elect
Mark Madison, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Treasurer
Sarah Elkind, San Diego State University, Secretary
Emily Greenwald, Historical Research Associates, Inc.-Missoula
Lynne Heasley,
Western Michigan University
Kieko Matteson,
Univeristy of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa
Christof Mauch,
Rachel Carson Center-Munich
Kathryn Morse,
Bowdoin College
Cindy Ott, University of Delaware
Valencius, Boston University
Zachary Nowak,
Harvard University, president of grad student caucus
Ex Officio, Past Presidents:
Kathleen Brosnan,
University of Oklahoma
Gregg Mitman,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ex Officio, Editor, Environmental History:
Lisa Brady, Boise State University
Ex Officio, Executive Director and Editor, aseh
Lisa Mighetto, University of Washington-Tacoma