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Best Practices for Environmental History Week Events

Publicity Kit: Information to help you organize and publicize your event

Thank you for adding your event to Environmental History Week via our form. If you are promoting your event on social media, please use the hashtag #EHW2024

On your own webpage, please use all or part of the language, links, and logos below to connect with Environmental History Week:

Environmental History Week (#EnvHistWeek) is an international celebration of environmental history, organized by environmental historians of all stripes to foster scholarly collaboration, academic research, teaching, and public awareness of environmental history.  Environmental History Week is April 16-22, but events will occur all month.

Find an event in your area or online in the Environmental History Week webpage: Environmental History Week Calendar

The American Society for Environmental History (ASEH) is coordinating Environmental History Week, but environmental history, humanities, and activism is happening all over the world. Please explore the many organizations around the globe supporting environmental history, including our colleagues at the International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations (ICEHO) and its member organizations.

Please consider joining ASEH and/or one of our Environmental History Week international partners.


Help make Environmental History Week inclusive, welcoming, and accessible by advertising your event widely in your community, including cross-posting your events with those sponsored by other groups and institutions.

Please include directions to the event, what clothing, footwear, equipment, food and water participants should bring with them, and whether or not the event will be canceled if there is bad weather.

Online events:

    • You can make online events more inclusive by using the closed caption function of your video conferencing platform, and by sharing transcripts of recorded events.
    • If you plan to record your session, get permission from presenters ahead of time, tell your audience that the session is recorded, and suggest that anyone who does not wish to be recorded turn off their video and microphone.
    • Remember that sometimes people attend online programs simply to be disruptive. This is especially true when programs address important, hot topics. You can reduce disruptions by requiring participants to register for your event instead of publicizing the meeting link, by using Zoom’s “waiting room” or webinar functions, or by having a co-host in your meeting whose job it is to remove disruptive attendees.

Listing your event and connecting with your audience

Submit this form to add an event to the Environmental History Week web page. ASEH has compiled a number of resources to help you organize a successful event. We encourage you to review some basic answers to common questions.

By March 15, please use this form to send us the link your audience will use to join your event. The form will ask for: your contact information; event title; concise description and general area of interest; logos and images; detailed time, date, location information (including virtual or hybrid options) and any information on participation (e.g. if RSVP is required). In your event or audience description, please include directions to the event, what clothing, footwear, equipment, food, and water participants should bring with them, and whether or not the event will be canceled if there is bad weather.

We will list these links in an Environmental History Week program on the EHW webpage. Once the event is registered, you will also be able to resend the form with any updates or corrections.

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 ®ASEH copyright 2023