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ASEH 2022

March 23-27, 2022

The Graduate Eugene

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Instructions for Preparing a Poster

Posters challenge historians to think of creative ways to present their narratives visually, rather than just verbally. Presenting a poster allows you to interact more personally with the people who are interested in your research. People can view your poster throughout the entire conference and then come talk with you about your ideas during the special poster reception.

Poster Presentation

Posters will be displayed at the Eugene conference from March 23 - March 26, 2022. We will have a poster presentation on Saturday morning, March 26, 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. All poster presenters should make every effort to attend this presentation so that they may discuss their posters. An award for the most effective poster (quality of research and visual appeal) will be presented on Saturday evening, March 26.

Instructions for Preparing Posters

  • Posters should be formatted not to exceed a size of 36 inches across x 43 inches tall - vertical orientation.
  • The conference site allows only the use of push-pins or T-pins to affix posters to cork boards; ASEH will provide push-pins and cork boards.
  • Do not use thick foam board to mount your posters. Roll your poster and place in a tube or secure with a rubber band and bring it to the conference with you (see below).
  • We regret that posters cannot be mailed to the conference site in advance.

Designing An Effective Poster

A poster typically includes a short title, an abstract, an introduction to your critical question, an overview of your sources and key results, and your conclusions. An effective poster usually includes no more than 750 words total, so that a person can read your poster in 5-10 minutes. The following sites provide information on designing effective posters (although their specifications might differ from ASEH's as listed above):

Thank you to the Sponsors of ASEH 2022

© ASEH 2021 Copyrights Reserved

American Society for Environmental History

UIC Department of History - MC 198

601 S. Morgan St.

Chicago, IL  60607-7109