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ASEH Annual Conference

Each year, ASEH members and friends gather to share the latest work in environmental history. The annual conference features more than 100 panels and sessions, receptions and events, interest group breakfasts and meetings, and several field trips exploring the history and environment of the city. 

ASEH 2025 will be in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania April 9-13, 2025.

Call for papers has closed.

Upcoming Events

    • April 09, 2025
    • April 12, 2025
    • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    ASEH 2025 Annual Conference

    April 9-12, 2025

    Omni William Penn Hotel ~ Pittsburgh, PA

    Don't forget to register for the ASEH 2025 Conference in Pittsburgh! The annual conference will feature more than 100 sessions, 9 field trips, a vibrant exhibit hall, and a plenary session: Placemaking and Environmental Justice in American Cities. 

    View the 2025 Conference Program

    View Field Trip Offerings  

     Limited Spots Remaining

    Hotel Reservations 

    Limited Rooms Still Available 

    2025  Registration Rates 


    (open to 2/3 at 11:59 pm) 


    (available 2/4 - 3/31 at 11:59 pm)  


    (available 4/1 - 4/12)

     Member   $210  $250  $280
     Non-Member  $295  $345  $375
     Adjunct/Unemployed Member  $60  $80  $100
     Student Member -  $60  $80  $100

     Student Volunteer Registration - (limited spots

     available )  SOLD OUT

     $0  $0  $0
     Invited K - 12 Teachers**      
     Single Day Registration  $75  $75  $75
     Spouse $75 $75 $75
     Child (must be accompanied by parent)  $0  $0  $0

    * Student Volunteer Registration (full)

    Graduate Students are eligible to volunteer to help at the conference. In return for 3 hours of volunteering during the conference at the hotel and serving as the point of contact on one of the Friday Field Trips, you will receive complimentary registration. Volunteer hours may include assisting at registration, putting out signage, directional assistance, and taking session counts. Field trip duties include loading buses on departure, going on the field trip, and helping with loading buses for the return. Approximately one month before the conference, you will receive an email with a link to a Google Form allowing you to select which three-hour duration you wish to work. ASEH will provide all instructions including your assigned field trip. If you fail to complete your volunteer hours you will be invoiced for your registration fees.  

    Refund Policy 

    Before February 25 

    Cancellations before February 25 will receive a refund minus an administration fee of $40 for non-student registrations and $20 for student registrations.  

    Starting February 25 and Before March 18

    Cancellations requested between February 25 and March 18 will receive a refund minus an administration fee of $75 for non-student registrations and $30 for student registrations

    After March 18

    No refunds will be processed starting March 19 including field trips, breakfasts, and receptions.   

    The ASEH staff will process refunds within 10 business days. Thank you in advance for your patience.   

    • April 09, 2025
    • April 12, 2025
    • Pittsburgh, PA


    April 9 - 12, 2024 ~ Omni William Penn Hotel - Pittsburgh, PA 

    We look forward to partnering with your organization for the ASEH 2025 Conference. Any one or a combination of the 2025 opportunities will provide your organization exposure to over 600 scholars in the field of environment history studies.  

    • You may review the opportunities below or by clicking here for the 2025 Prospectus.
    • The deadline for ASEH to receive all marketing and advertising collateral is Feb 14th. These opportunities and exhibit space purchases are at a premium, so don't miss out on reserving your selections. Opportunities and exhibit space cannot be guaranteed without being purchased.    
    • All opportunities must be reserved through the online form. To reserve your purchases, click the "Register Button" located in the column to the left.         

    Questions?  Please contact the ASEH Meeting Planner at


    Exhibit Space and Fees

    • (1) 6' table skirted and draped
    • (2) chairs 
    • (1) wastebasket 

    Note: Electrical and Wi-Fi are available for an additional cost. Hotel order forms will be sent with confirmation. 

    Note: To be listed as an exhibitor in the PDF conference program, you must confirm your purchase before March 7th.


     Value Rate -

    before 3/7/2025

     Standard Rate -

    starting 3/7/2025

     One Table 

     $400  $450


     $650  $675

     Three Tables 

     $900  $925

    Exhibit Hours 

    Exhibitor Move-In Wednesday, April 9, 2025         Mid-afternoon

    Show Hours Wednesday, April 9, 2025                       4:00 PM – 6:00 PM 

    Thursday, April 10, 2025                                                      8:00 AM – 6:00 PM 

    Friday, April 11, 2025                                                             8:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

                             (Field Trips are scheduled on Friday afternoon.) 

    Saturday, April 12, 2025                                                      8:00 AM – 3:00 PM   

    Exhibitor Move-out Saturday, April 12, 2025        3:00 AM – 5:00 PM

    Note: times may be adjusted slightly based on the final conference program. 

    Shipping, Electrical and Wifi information will be sent within 5 days of your


    Cancellations must be made in writing and e-mailed to

    Requests received by February 15, 2024,  to cancel exhibit space will receive a

    full refund, minus a $100 fee. After February 15, 2024, cancellations will not be


    Advertisements and Marketing

    Advertisements will appear in the conference program.  The program will be printed for conference participants, if requested, and be delivered electronically to all registrants, and will be available on ASEH's website.  Black & white works best for the printed program; color looks best for the website version. You can submit two versions - or a single file in black & white 

    ½-page ad: 

    Size: 5 ¼"h x 8"w

    Price: $200 

    Full-page ad: 

    Size: 10 ½"h x 8"w

    Price: $275 

    Two-page ad:

    Size 10 1/2" h x 8"w

    Price: $475 

    Email Blast to Conference Attendees $200

    (limit one per organization) 

    The organization must provide ASEH with all email content. Content must be provided two weeks before the distribution date. No more than 5 hyperlinks may be included.ASEH will provide a selection of distribution dates upon contracting.  

    Need to Know Before You Go Email $250

    (one opportunity)

    Your logo and a hyperlink of your choice will be in an email sent to all attendees before the Annual Meeting in a final “know before you go” message 

    Push Notifications $150

    (limit 5)

    Send a notification through the conference mobile app to let attendees know your organization is exhibiting or to promote a special that you are offering.     

    •Daily Conference Update Email $550

    Exclusive Sponsorship. 

    Your logo and a hyperlink of your choice will be in an email sent to all attendees at the beginning of each conference day (Thursday, Friday and Saturday), highlighting the day's events.



    Increase your organization’s visibility and scholarly output with one of these targeted sponsorship opportunities. The Annual Conference attracts over 600 attendees from institutions within the United States and abroad.   

    Networking Breaks  

    Several coffee networking breaks will be held throughout the three-day Annual Conference. Help attendees recharge between sessions and mingle with other conference attendees and the exhibitors. All Networking breaks will be in the exhibit area.    

    Awards Ceremony 

    ASEH celebrates around ten awardees for their service and achievement in environmental history. Sponsorship of this ceremony supports these  individuals' unparalleled contribution to ASEH and the field of Enviornmental   History.    

    Field Trip Transportation  

    The ASEH field trips are an important part of the ASEH conference and are

    highly anticipated by conference attendees. Help support this conference  offering by sponsoring the transportation to these excursions.    

    Breakfast and Lunches

    Several specific interest groups will hold breakfasts or lunches at this year’s 

    conference. Your sponsorship will help defray the ticket price of these events for conference attendees. Available Events include: 

    • Early Career Caucus Meeting and Lunch
    • Women’s Environmental History Network Reception
    • Animal History Breakfast 
    • War and Environment Breakfast
    • Envirotech Breakfast
    • Food, Agriculture, and the Environment Working Group Breakfast

    Pricing and Recognition

    Sponsorship and Co-sponsorship opportunities range from $200 - $5000 and 
    benefits will align with the financial contribution. Contact ASEH for packages 

    and pricing. We will be happy to design the package that best supports your organization's goals.  Please contact    

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 ®ASEH copyright 2023