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ASEH Bylaws

Article I: Membership

Section 1)

The membership of the society shall consist of individuals interested in the objectives of the organization. Classes of membership shall consist of (a) annual members, (b) institutional members, (c) student members, (d) life members and (e) such other classifications of membership as may here after be established.

Section 2)

The membership of the society shall not be limited as to number, residency, or citizenship.

Article II: Officers

Section 1)

The officers of the society shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, Executive Director (ex officio, without vote), and seven elective Council members. These officers, with the two immediate past presidents and the President of the Graduate Student Caucus as voting members of the Council, shall transact such business as may be assigned to it under these bylaws or by the society. Additionally, the Editor of Environmental History is an ex officio member of the Council, without vote.

Section 2)

The President shall preside at all business meetings of the society and shall appoint members of all committees except where otherwise provided for in these bylaws. In case of the President's absence or inability to act, the Vice-President shall discharge the duties of the President.

Section 3)

The Vice-President shall have overall charge of arrangements for the society's annual program, for which purpose he/she shall also appoint a program committee. This group shall consist of interested officers and members. He/she shall also arrange joint programs with other organizations in cooperation with the President and members of the Council. He/she shall act for the President in all other matters when the President is absent or unable to act.

Section 4)

The Secretary shall keep a record of the meetings of the Council and the Society's business meetings, and shall assist the President in arranging these meetings and distributing materials for review.

Section 5)

The Treasurer shall receive all monies due or payable to the society; shall pay all outstanding accounts when these have been approved by the President, and shall officially receive all monies given or bequeathed to the society. Information concerning these and all other transactions shall be transmitted to the Council. He/she shall maintain all necessary bank accounts and records, and shall report annually to the membership concerning the receipts and disbursements for the preceding fiscal year. Given the complex duties of this office, the Council, in consultation with the nominating committee, may from time to time appoint an Assistant Treasurer to aid in these duties. An Assistant Treasurer will be an ex officio member of the Council, without vote, unless he or she is presently serving as an elected member of the Council and thus retains his or her vote.

Section 6)

The Editor of Environmental History (published jointly by ASEH and the Forest History Society) shall have charge of all editorial and production decisions subject to the approval of the ASEH Council and the governing board of the Forest History Society. They may appoint an advisory committee to assist in making editorial decisions.

Section 7)

The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Council for a renewable four-year term and generally will oversee the administration of the Society. The Executive Director is an ex officio member of all committees except where otherwise noted in these bylaws.Responsibilities include editing the newsletter; organizing and maintaining the archives of the Society; coordination with committees; fundraising; oversight of annual conference; general correspondence; and review of website and assisting webmaster. The Executive Director shall do and perform such other duties as this Code of By-Laws provides or as may be assigned to that person by the President and/or the Council.

Section 8)

Elective members of the Council shall participate equally and jointly with elected officers in making collective decisions concerning the society where provided for in these bylaws or where otherwise necessary and proper.

Section 9)

Any vacancy occurring in an office may be filled by vote of the Council until the next regular elections are held.

Section 10)

All non-institutional members shall be eligible to vote and hold office.

Article III: Meetings

Section 1)

Stated meetings of the society shall be held annually or biennially at such time and place as the Council may determine. Special meetings shall be called by the Council as the occasion may require, due notice thereof being given to all members by the Secretary.

Section 2)

As occasion demands, the Secretary, at the direction of the President, may submit matters for decisions to the Council by mail or electronic ballot. All such votes of the Council shall be placed on the record by the Secretary and shall be reported at the next meeting of the board.

Section 3)

At meetings of the Council, a quorum shall consist of the President OR the Vice President and any other five members.

Section 4)

At stated meetings of the society, a quorum shall consist of one of the officers specified in Section 3 of this article, together with any fifteen other members.

Section 5)

Meetings of the Council shall be held prior to the beginning of the stated meeting of the society, or at such other time as may be determined by the President. Due notice of such meetings shall be given to all members of the Council.

Section 6)

Meetings of the society of whatever kind, except for meetings of the Council, shall be open to the public unless otherwise ordered by a majority of the members present.

Section 7)

Elections and other matters requiring a decision by the entire membership may, at the discretion of the Council, be submitted to the membership by mail or electronic ballot. The Secretary shall maintain a record of any substantive decisions that are reached in this manner.

Article IV: Elections and Resignations

Section 1)

The President and Vice-President shall hold office for a term of two years, and may be re-elected. The Secretary and Treasurer shall hold office for four years, and may be re-elected. The other elective members of the Council shall serve staggered four-year terms. Elections are to be held in odd calendar years, at which time all officers with expiring terms and three or four (roughly half) of the members of the Council shall stand for election. No member of the Council (with the exception of the Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, and Editor of Environmental History and H-Environment) may serve more than two consecutive terms in office.

Section 2)

The Editor of Environmental History shall be appointed for a term agreed upon by majority vote of the governing boards of ASEH and FHS, and shall serve at the pleasure of those boards. In the event that the editor is unable to perform his/her duties, the presidents of ASEH and FHS, in consultation with their governing boards, shall make the necessary temporary arrangements. Prior to the expiration of the editor's term, a new editor shall be selected by a joint search committee of the two organizations for approval as provided in this section.

Section 3)

Ninety days prior to odd calendar year meetings of the society, a nominating committee, elected by the membership, shall meet or shall communicate in some other fashion and shall select a slate of officers and elected members of the Council. The candidate for President shall normally be the standing Vice-President. The nominating committee shall consist of four members to serve four years each, with two members being elected biennially from a slate of four nominees. The slate they select shall consist of one nominee for Vice-President/President-elect, one nominee for other officers with expiring terms, and two nominees for each vacancy on the Council and nominating committee, and shall be communicated to the Secretary, who shall in turn communicate it to the membership by mail or electronically as provided in Article II, Section 4 of these bylaws. Elections shall take place during odd calendar year meetings, or by mail or electronic ballot prior to the meeting. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes are elected. All ballots shall have provisions for write-in nominees.

Section 4)

Elections may be held by mail or electronic ballot if circumstances warrant. A decision to do so may be made by the President and any five other members of the Council. This same group may make such other alterations in the election procedure as they deem necessary, except that a slate of nominees must still be selected by the nominating committee, and the Secretary must still provide notice of the election to the membership in the usual fashion. All terms of office shall begin and end the day after the stated meeting.

Section 5)

A discussion of the merits of the nominees for office may be held during the stated meeting election procedure if the membership desires.

Section 6)

If no nominee for office receives a simple majority of the votes cast, voting shall continue until a decision is reached.

Section 7)

Resignations from office or from the society shall be promptly reported to the Secretary. If an officer must be replaced before the conclusion of his term and the Council is not able to meet immediately, his successor may be selected by means of a mail or electronic ballot.

Section 8)

ASEH shall include a Graduate Student Caucus that will convene during the annual meeting. The officers of the caucus shall consist of a President, a President Elect, and a Media Officer. With the assistance of the Executive Director, the caucus shall hold an election, no later than 75 days following the annual meeting, for President Elect and Media Officer. The President Elect shall serve one year in this position and a second year as president of the caucus. The media officer shall serve one year.

Article V: Dues

Section 1)

Annual dues or life memberships shall be paid by members in amounts and according to procedures established by the Council.

Section 2)

No member in arrears for dues shall be permitted to vote or take part in the business of any meeting.

Article VI: Committees

Section 1)

ASEH has two kinds of committees: standing committees and ad hoc committees.

Section 2)

The council creates and, if appropriate, terminates standing committees. Standing committees typically have three members serving staggered terms of three years. Individuals serve as members in their first years, chairs in their second years, and members in their third years on the committees.

Section 3)

The President or council creates ad hoc committees. Ad hoc committees terminate twelve months after creation unless (a) the President or council terminates them earlier, or (b) the President or council extends their duration for up to twelve more months. If the council thinks an ad hoc committee’s work should continue after 24 months, it typically creates a standing committee to carry out the work.

Section 4)

All committee chairs submit written reports to the council annually. The reports briefly summarize activities during the previous year and plans for the upcoming year. Reports from prize committees include the number of submissions, the names of winners and works, and, if prepared, prize citations. After being vetted for public consumption, all committee reports become part of the minutes of the council meeting that reviewed the reports. 

Section 5)

ASEH aims to have committees that overall reflect the diversity of the membership. ASEH announces openings on committees and invites individuals to nominate themselves and/or others. The individuals or entities appointing committee members consider these nominations but are free to appoint other individuals. 

Article VII: Additions and Amendments

Section 1)

Any member of the Council may submit proposed additions and amendments to the bylaws to the Secretary in writing at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting of the Council.

Section 2)

Three or more members of ASEH may submit proposed additions and amendments to the bylaws to Secretary in writing at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting of the Council.

Section 3)

If approved by two thirds of those present and voting at the meeting of the Council, proposed additions and amendments to the bylaws shall be presented to the membership by the Secretary, with the assistance of the Executive Director, by means of a mail or electronic ballot within 30 days of the annual meeting. If approved by two thirds of the membership returning completed ballots, the change shall then take effect.

The American Society for Environmental History

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