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Environmental History at Auburn University

  • April 22, 2021
  • 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Virtual

This research symposium highlights the work of faculty and graduate students in environmental history at Auburn University.

The event is open to all. The organizers especially encourage attendance from our colleagues in the southeast working in related fields.

Panel 1: Environmental Histories of the US South
  • Dr. Ken Noe, “The Howling Storm: Weather, Climate, and the American Civil War”
  • Mr. Peter Thomas, “Conceptualizing Civil War Encampments as Militarized Landscapes.” 
  • Dr. Jason Hauser, “A Climate History of the American South.” 
  • Dr. Elijah Gaddis, “Landscapes of Lynching: Objects, Environment, and Racial Terror”
Panel 2: Environmental Histories Around the World
  • Dr. Christopher Ferguson, “The Age of Environism? Thinking about People, Places, and Things during Britain's First Industrial Revolution, c. 1770-c. 1870”
  • Dr. Sarah Hamilton, “Water Underground: Comparative Histories of Groundwater Exploitation”
  • Dr. Claire Perrott, “The Volcano that Grew out of a Mexican Cornfield”
  • Dr. Xaq Frohlich, "What is the Mediterranean diet?: The reinvention of a culinary tradition as a global, healthy lifestyle"

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