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15th International ANAMED Annual Symposium - Winds of Change: Environment and Society in Anatolia

  • April 29, 2021
  • 2:30 AM
  • April 30, 2021

29-30 April 2021 (2 days symposium)

Conveners: John Haldon and Christopher H. Roosevelt

The question of how environmental disruptions affect human societies and political systems has begun to attract a great deal of attention from the scientific community and the general public and can have significant consequences not just for historians but also for policymakers and future planning. Integrating high-resolution archaeological, textual, and environmental data with longer-term, low-resolution data on ancient climate affords greater precision in identifying some of the causal relationships underlying societal change across several millennia, and regional and microregional studies have now thrown significant light on questions that until recently could not be answered satisfactorily. The Anatolian case, in particular, challenges many assumptions about the impact of climatic factors on socio-political organization and medium-term historical evolution and highlights the importance of further collaboration between archaeologists, historians, and climate scientists. The 15th International ANAMED Annual Symposium aims not only to showcase recent research but also to engage with both specific evidence for climatic conditions or changes—textual, scientific, or other—and specific evidence for societal phenomena—archaeological, historical, or other—to discuss the complicated range of correspondences and/or correlations between them.

English-Turkish simultaneous translation will be provided.

You can download symposium poster from the events link:

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