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Vote in 2023 ASEH Election

February 04, 2023 11:00 AM | Anonymous

ASEH holds elections every other year according to the rules set out in our bylaws, which also detail the responsibilities and terms of each office.

The Nominating Committee assembled a slate of candidates for the positions of Vice President/President-Elect, Council members (4), and Nominating Committee (2). Only active ASEH members are eligible to vote.

The candidates submitted STATEMENTS. Please read them to learn more about each person on the slate.

Join ASEH or Renew Your Membership

Members can log in and vote between 4 February and 4 March.

 ASEH 2023 Copyright Reserved

American Society for Environmental History

UIC Department of History - MC 198

601 S. Morgan St.

Chicago, IL  60607-7109