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The Continuing Need

The ASEH already offers prizes, fellowships, and grants. The need is greater than the organization can currently meet.

The ASEH awards six research fellowships:

  • four for graduate students (the Hal Rothman Dissertation Research Fellowship, two J. Donald Hughes Graduate Research Fellowships, and one Equity Graduate Research Fellowship); and

  • the Samuel P. Hayes Research Fellowship, which is open to all but graduate students. 

  • a short-term residency, awarded in a partnership with the Newberry Library in Chicago every year. 

In a typical year, more than 100 people apply for these six awards.

We currently fund fewer than half of the applications we receive for travel grants to the ASEH conference. In 2022 the Executive Council committed to funding thirty $1000 travel grants annually and earmarked $12,000 a year for travel grants to scholars from the Global South. Together with ASEH will add to these commitments so we can support more of our colleagues. 

The ASEH currently has a small dependent care fund to help those who travel to the annual meeting with children or other dependent family members. Together with ASEH will allow us to provide more support so our colleagues can participate more fully in the annual conference.

The ASEH recognizes outstanding research with five prizes:

  • the George Perkins Marsh Prize for the best book in environmental history;

  • the Alice Hamilton Prize for best article outside Environmental History; 

  • the Leopold-Hidy Prize for best article in journal Environmental History (awarded with the Forest History Society); and 

  • the ASEH-FHS Graduate Essay Prize for best unpublished essay by a graduate student (awarded with the Forest History Society). 

  • the Rachel Carson Prize for best dissertation.

A successful drive in 2021-22 created a permanent reserve to fund the Rachel Carson Prize for best dissertation; Together with ASEH will create permanent funding for these other important prizes.

Support ASEH Today! Your gift helps fund ASEH research and travel grants, fellowships, awards, and other initiatives.

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 ®ASEH copyright 2023