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Together with ASEH Goals

Together with ASEH will ensure the field of environmental history remains topical and accessible by attracting new members, making conference participation affordable, and helping all scholars reach broader publics.

Research Fellowships 

Every year, ASEH receives a hundred applications for our six fellowships. Your donation will increase the number of fellowships we can offer, allowing us to support more of the research that promotes the vibrancy of our field, and will make ASEH more inclusive. All money raised for fellowships will be disbursed by 2033.

Travel Grants 

The ASEH annual meeting puts far-flung historians in touch with new ideas and each other. Your donation towards ASEH conference travel grants will make the conference more affordable for and welcoming to young scholars, scholars from under-represented groups, and our many colleagues who receive little or no institutional support for their research. Donations to Together with ASEH will increase the number of grants the ASEH now offers. All money raised for fellowships will be disbursed by 2033.

Dependent Care  

Juggling child- or elder-care at the annual conference is very difficult. You can help reduce this barrier to conference participation with a donation that will increase the number of dependent-care grants ASEH can offer at our conferences. Money raised for dependent care will be disbursed by 2033.

Support ASEH Today! Your gift helps fund ASEH research and travel grants, fellowships, awards, and other initiatives.

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 ®ASEH copyright 2023