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Donor and Volunteer Recognition

ASEH wishes to thank all of the donors and volunteers who have and will continue to make Together with ASEH successful.

The following ambassadors contributed their time for outreach to solicit pledges for this campaign: 

Lisa Brady 

Steven Corey

Fritz Davis

Sarah Elkind 

Peter Heywood

Faisal Husain

Nancy Jacobs

Melanie Kiechle

Marc Landry

Nancy Langston 

Mark Madison

Anna Lehr Mueser

Hayden Nelson

David O'Donoghue

Paul Sutter 

Ramya Swayamprakash

Donal Thomas

Richard Tucker

Jay Turner

Conevery Bolton Valencius 

Chris Wells

We also thank the ASEH Executive Director, David Spatz

The following donors have pledged and contributed to the matching funds that will double donations to the Together with ASEH campaign.

Peter Alagona

Thomas Andrews







Jakobina Arch

Ellen Arnold

Etienne Benson

Megan Black

Elizabeth (Scout) Blum

Matthew Booker

Christopher Boyer

Lisa Brady

Stephen Brain

Kathryn Carpenter

Leisl Carr Childers

Michael Childers

Julie Cohn

Stephen Corey

Frederick Davis

MIchael Dockry

Samuel Dolbee

Kurk Dorsey

Finis Dunaway

Thomas Dunlap

Astrid M. Eckert

Sarah Elkind

Bartow Elmore

Kirke Elsass

Matthew Evenden

Susan Flader

Robert Gioielli

Sarah Hamilton

Kristine Harper

Daniel Headrick

Lynne Heasley

Mark Hersey

Toshihiro Higuchi

David Hsiung

Faisal Husain

Andrew Isenberg

Nancy Jacobs

Karl Jacoby

Christopher Jones

Sean Kheraj

Melanie Kiechle

Nancy Langston

Tim Lehman

Raechel Lutz

Mark Madison

Neil Maher

Robert Marks

Michelle Mart

Kieko Matteson

John McNeill

Catherine McNeur

Martin Melosi

Gregg Mitman

Rene Ramos

Monica Rico

Harriet Ritvo

Adam Rome

Edmund Russell

Paul Sabin

Daniel Schneider

James Schwoch

Jeffrey Stine

David Stradling

Paul Sutter

Joel Tarr

Joseph Taylor

William Tsutsui

Richard Tucker

Conevery Bolton Valencius

George Vritis

Thaisa Way

Marsha Weisiger

Melissa Wiedenfeld

Christopher Wells

Graeme Wynn

Ling Zhang

Carl Zimring

Thank you, Donors!

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