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Proposing a New Travel Grant or Research Fellowship

ASEH welcomes proposals for new travel grants or research fellowships designed to increase participation in the field by scholars you think are underrepresented or are in need of special support, or a topic in environmental history that you think is particularly important or interesting. All proposals must be approved by the ASEH executive council. If approved and fully funded, new fellowships will be administered by the ASEH Award and Fellowships Committee. New travel grants will be distributed within 10 years. Any funds not dispersed by 2033 will be allocated to ASEH’s general travel grant and fellowships programs.

To propose a new travel grant or research fellowship:

1. Assemble pledges of at least $12,500 (travel grants) or $10,000 (for fellowships). 

    • Travel grants: This will fund five $2500 supplements to ASEH-funded Global South grants or 10 domestic/international grants of $1250 a piece.
    • Fellowships: This will fund ten $1000 fellowships for ten years

2. Complete the application form or send a email with all the information requested below to the ASEH President ( and ASEH executive director, David Spatz (

3. Proposals will be reviewed by the Executive Council. 

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